Hotels Package:
- BYKY provides special package for hotels with incomparable prices.
- BYKY to provide the bicycles station with required services such as branding on the bikes, maintenance operations, spare parts, insurance, terms & conditions.
- The hotels shall benefit from rental revenues, branding on bikes, the advantage of added value of providing a unique service for the hotel guests.

Franchising Benefits
- The investor benefit from the franchisor name, trade mark, reputation, experience & the trust he built in the market over the years.
- The investor can avoid the expected losses of new projects & benefit from the independency as owner of successful project.
- The investor benefit from the administrative & operational support provided by franchisor.
- The investor benefit from the special discounted prices provided by franchisor.
- The investor benefit from the qualitative training provided for the staff as the franchisor aims to protect his reputation so the investor able to increase his revenues by avoiding the faults which cause losses.
- The investor will be able to get the loans easily because the financial entities depend on trust of successful project.
- The investor will be protected by franchisor who provide special area for him.
- The investor benefit from the support provided for local companies & the protection from foreign compete.
- The investor benefit from the franchisor experience of preparing the financial statements, databases, & the proposals for getting approvals from concerned authorities.
How to Franchise BYKY
The investor shall approach a clear study of locations which he/she aim to operate the service there to discuss possibility of cooperation if those locations suitable for the activity with note that it’s should be 4 locations with size of 6m x 8m for each at least in the first stage.
BYKY join the investor a site visit for those locations to know the requirements of each location.
In cooperation with BYKY the investor approaches the required proposals for entities to get the required approvals for operating the service.
The investor agree with BYKY about the required number of bikes & equips of each location.
The investor purchases the bikes & equips from BYKY in special discounted prices.
Preparing the rental points in cooperation & supervision of BYKY.
BYKY provide training of the staff on all operation requirements, maintenance & following up.
BYKY provide special gate for the investor in the rental & controlling system based on annual fee.
To agree on cooperation method based on percentage from revenues or lump sum for BYKY as franchisor.
All of operation costs become under the investor responsibilities includes but not limited to licensing, staffing, salaries, telecommunication, transportation etc…
Traffic track
- Special creation
- Integrated traffic track
- Fully equipped with traffic signs
- Size: 20 m × 30 m
- European industry standards
- Ideal for traffic safety awareness
- Feasible for traffic safety campaigns
- Feasible for traffic safety campaigns